Adobe illustrator cc learning pdf free.Course, tutorial Summary Adobe Illustrator CC

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Adobe illustrator cc learning pdf free - Learning Graphic Design & Illustration

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Adobe illustrator cc learning pdf free.Learn Adobe Illustrator CC for Graphic Design and Illustration


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Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email illustrtaor a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Adobe Illustrator CC Tutorial. Harish Hegde. A short summary of this paper. PDF Pack. Download Adobe illustrator cc learning pdf free PDF. Translate Читать статью. Whether adoe plan to design or illustrate multimedia artwork Illustrator offers all the tools needed to produce professional and quality results for even a beginner.

This illystrator will take you through some of the basic uses of Illustrator Learninv. In this tutorial, you will learn the following: 1. Getting Started Pg. Setting Up the Document Pg. Toolbox Pg. Toolbox Description Pg. Working with Layers Pg. Making Selections Pg. Creating Basic Shapes Pg.

Inserting and Formatting Text Pg. Typing on a Path Pg. Placing Images Pg. Working with Objects Pg. Arranging Pg. Grouping Pg. Locking Pg. Applying Transparencies Pg. Applying Styles, Effects and Appearances Pg. Working with Adobe illustrator cc learning pdf free Pg. Saving Pg. Begin by opening Adobe Illustrator CC.

Figure 1 Figure 1. Navigation to Illustrator CC on a Mac. This will require some advanced planning. For example, if your inal output will be a brochure, you may need to set up your document to be horizontal and double-sided. See Figure 2 for an example of opening a new document on a Mac. Illustgator 2. Opening a new document in Illustrator. This will open the Document Setup dialog box. Here you will be able to set up the lesrning page size and orientation for your document.

Options include, but are not limited to: Page Size: Choose a page size from the menu, or type values for width and height. Page size represents the inal size you want after bleeds or trimming other marks outside the page.

There are presets for common sizes such as letter, illstrator and tabloid. To aobe unit size from points to inches, click addobe the units drop down and choose inches. Orientation: Click the Portrait tall or Landscape wide icons. These icons interact dynamically with the dimensions you enter in Page Size. When Height is the larger value, the Portrait icon is selected. When Width is the larger value, the Landscape icon is selected. Clicking the opposite icon switches the Height and Width values.

Document Proile: Choose a proile that will best it your project. For example, when making a graphic for a brochure, choose Print. When making a graphic for Web, choose Web. Жмите document learnimg has the appropriate presets for your project.

When you have entered all of your document settings, click OK. Lllustrator you are a novice user of Adobe autocad software free full version for windows 10 you should keep in mind that you might not need to use all the tools.

In this tutorial, only the basic tools will be discussed in depth. Figure 3. Tools in Illustrator. Some tools in the toolbox have additional tools adobe illustrator cc learning pdf free to them. These tools have small gray triangles жмите the right-hand нажмите чтобы перейти. To view the additional tools click and hold down on any tool that has a gray triangle in the corner. Figure 4 Figure 4. Extra Tools in Illustrator.

If you need to use some of the additional tools often, you can tear off the additional tools into their own toolbar. To Tearoff additional tools, do the following: 1. Click and hold on the tool you want to see the additional tools for.

While holding illusteator your mouse button drag your mouse to the end of the tools to the button with the gray triangle. Let go of the mouse button to make the additional tools and new toolbar Figure 5. Figure 5. Sub-Toolbar in Illustrator. Direct Selection tool Selects the contents of a frame, such as a placed graphic; allows you to work directly with editable objects, such as paths, rectangles, or type that has been converted to a text outline.

Group Learnig tool Selects a group of points all at once, such as the four points of rectangle. Magic Wand tool Selects all objects in a document with the same or similar ill color, stroke weight, stroke color, opacity, or blending mode. Lasso tool Selects objects, anchor points, or path segments learnihg being dragged around all or part of the object. Pen tool Creates a line between two adobe illustrator cc learning pdf free points you make. Creates straight lines if you simply click and release to make anchor points.

Illusttrator Anchor Point tool Adds a point to a path, which is a simple way to change any path. This helps to turn one shape into another Delete Anchor Adobee tool Deletes points from a path without causing a break in the path. Convert Direction Point tool Changes the control handles around an anchor point reshaping the segments controlled by that anchor point. Type здесь Creates resizable and moveable text frames in which you can type text. Line tool Kllustrator straight lines.

Ellipse tool Creates ellipse shapes that hold text. Rectangle tool Creates rectangle shapes that hold color or text. Polygon psf Creates polygon shapes that hold color or text. Paintbrush tool Draws a path and applies a brush stroke simultaneously.

Pencil tool Draws open and closed adobe illustrator cc learning pdf free as if you were drawing with a pencil on illustratoor. It is most useful for fast sketching or creating a hand-drawn look. Smooth tool Removes excess angles from an existing path or a section of a path. Arc tool Creates a curved line segment or a closed, больше на странице shape. Spiral tool Creates a spiral-shaped object of a given radius and number of winds.

Grid adobe illustrator cc learning pdf free Creates rectangular grids of a speciied size adobe illustrator cc learning pdf free a speciied iplustrator of dividers. Polar Grid читать полностью Creates concentric circles of a speciied size and a speciied number of dividers.

Star tool Creates star-shaped objects with a given size and number of points.
